Class Parser



  • Get the ranges of text that the parser will include when parsing.

    Returns Range[]

    An array of ranges that will be included in parsing

  • Get the duration in microseconds that parsing is allowed to take.

    This timeout can be set via Parser.setTimeoutMicros.

    Returns number

    The parsing timeout in microseconds

  • Parse UTF8 text into a syntax tree.


    • input: string | Input

      The text to parse, either as a string or a custom input function that provides text chunks. If providing a function, it should return text chunks based on byte index and position.

    • OptionaloldTree: Tree

      An optional previous syntax tree from the same document. If provided and the document has changed, you must first edit this tree using Parser.Tree.edit to match the new text.

    • Optionaloptions: Options

      Optional parsing settings:

      • bufferSize: Size of internal parsing buffer
      • includedRanges: Array of ranges to parse within the input

    Returns Tree

    A syntax tree representing the parsed text

    May return null or fail if:

  • Set the destination to which the parser should write debugging graphs during parsing.

    The graphs are formatted in the DOT language. You may want to pipe these graphs directly to a 'dot' process to generate SVG output.


    • Optionalenabled: boolean

      Whether to enable or disable graph output

    • Optionalfd: number

      Optional file descriptor for the output

    Returns void

  • Instruct the parser to start the next parse from the beginning.

    If the parser previously failed because of a timeout or cancellation, it will resume where it left off on the next parse by default. Call this method if you want to parse a different document instead of resuming.

    Returns void

  • Set the language that the parser should use for parsing.

    The language must be compatible with the version of tree-sitter being used. A version mismatch will prevent the language from being assigned successfully.


    • Optionallanguage: Language

      The language to use for parsing

    Returns void

  • Set the logging callback that the parser should use during parsing.


    • OptionallogFunc: string | false | Logger

      The logging callback to use, or null/false to disable logging

    Returns void

  • Set the maximum duration that parsing is allowed to take before halting.

    If parsing takes longer than this, it will halt early, returning null.


    • timeout: number

      The maximum parsing duration in microseconds

    Returns void