
actual external fun reset(node: Node)(source)

Reset the cursor to start at a different node.

actual external fun reset(cursor: TreeCursor)(source)

Reset the cursor to start at the same position as another cursor.

expect fun reset(node: Node)(source)

Reset the cursor to start at a different node.

expect fun reset(cursor: TreeCursor)(source)

Reset the cursor to start at the same position as another cursor.

actual external fun reset(node: Node)(source)

Reset the cursor to start at a different node.

actual external fun reset(cursor: TreeCursor)(source)

Reset the cursor to start at the same position as another cursor.

actual fun reset(node: Node)(source)

Reset the cursor to start at a different node.

actual fun reset(cursor: TreeCursor)(source)

Reset the cursor to start at the same position as another cursor.