Query Syntax

A query consists of one or more patterns, where each pattern is an S-expression that matches a certain set of nodes in a syntax tree. The expression to match a given node consists of a pair of parentheses containing two things: the node's type, and optionally, a series of other S-expressions that match the node's children. For example, this pattern would match any binary_expression node whose children are both number_literal nodes:

(binary_expression (number_literal) (number_literal))

Children can also be omitted. For example, this would match any binary_expression where at least one of child is a string_literal node:

(binary_expression (string_literal))


In general, it's a good idea to make patterns more specific by specifying field names associated with child nodes. You do this by prefixing a child pattern with a field name followed by a colon. For example, this pattern would match an assignment_expression node where the left child is a member_expression whose object is a call_expression.

  left: (member_expression
    object: (call_expression)))

Negated Fields

You can also constrain a pattern so that it only matches nodes that lack a certain field. To do this, add a field name prefixed by a ! within the parent pattern. For example, this pattern would match a class declaration with no type parameters:

  name: (identifier) @class_name

Anonymous Nodes

The parenthesized syntax for writing nodes only applies to named nodes. To match specific anonymous nodes, you write their name between double quotes. For example, this pattern would match any binary_expression where the operator is != and the right side is null:

  operator: "!="
  right: (null))

Special Nodes

The Wildcard Node

A wildcard node is represented with an underscore (_), it matches any node. This is similar to . in regular expressions. There are two types, (_) will match any named node, and _ will match any named or anonymous node.

For example, this pattern would match any node inside a call:

(call (_) @call.inner)

The ERROR Node

When the parser encounters text it does not recognize, it represents this node as (ERROR) in the syntax tree. These error nodes can be queried just like normal nodes:

(ERROR) @error-node


If the parser is able to recover from erroneous text by inserting a missing token and then reducing, it will insert that missing node in the final tree so long as that tree has the lowest error cost. These missing nodes appear as seemingly normal nodes in the tree, but they are zero tokens wide, and are internally represented as a property of the actual terminal node that was inserted, instead of being its own kind of node, like the ERROR node. These special missing nodes can be queried using (MISSING):

(MISSING) @missing-node

This is useful when attempting to detect all syntax errors in a given parse tree, since these missing node are not captured by (ERROR) queries. Specific missing node types can also be queried:

(MISSING identifier) @missing-identifier
(MISSING ";") @missing-semicolon