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accept(Logger.Type, String) - Method in interface io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Logger
apply(Integer, Point) - Method in interface io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.ParseCallback


Basic Usage - Search tag in package io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter


CancellationFlag() - Constructor for class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser.CancellationFlag
Creates an uninitialized cancellation flag.
Capture(String) - Constructor for record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicateArg.Capture
Creates an instance of a Capture record class.
captures() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryMatch
Returns the value of the captures record component.
clone() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get another reference to the language.
clone() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Tree
Create a shallow copy of the syntax tree.
clone() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Create a shallow copy of the tree cursor.
close() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator
close() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
close() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
close() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
close() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Tree
close() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
column() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Point
Returns the value of the column record component.
compareTo(Point) - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Point


didExceedMatchLimit() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Check if the query exceeded its maximum number of in-progress matches during its last execution.
disableCapture(String) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Disable a certain capture within a query.
disablePattern(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Disable a certain pattern within a query.


edit(InputEdit) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Edit this node to keep it in-sync with source code that has been edited.
edit(InputEdit) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Tree
Edit the syntax tree to keep it in sync with source code that has been modified.
endByte() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Range
Returns the value of the endByte record component.
endByteForPattern(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Get the byte offset where the given pattern ends in the query's source.
endPoint() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Range
Returns the value of the endPoint record component.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEdit
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LanguageMetadata
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LanguageMetadata.Version
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator.Symbol
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Check if two nodes are identical.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Point
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCapture
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryMatch
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicateArg.Capture
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicateArg.Literal
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Range
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
ERROR - Search tag in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator
ERROR - Search tag in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language.nextState(short, short)
ERROR - Search tag in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator.getCurrentSymbol()
ERROR - Search tag in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator.getCurrentSymbolName()
ERROR - Search tag in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node.hasError()
ERROR - Search tag in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node.hasError()
ERROR - Search tag in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node.isError()
Example - Search tag in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language.load(SymbolLookup, String)
Example - Search tag in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser.setLogger(Logger)


findCaptures(Node) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Iterate over all the captures in the order that they were found.
findCaptures(Node, QueryCursor.Options) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Iterate over all the captures in the order that they were found.
findCaptures(Node, SegmentAllocator, QueryCursor.Options) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Iterate over all the captures in the order that they were found.
findMatches(Node) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Iterate over all the matches in the order that they were found.
findMatches(Node, QueryCursor.Options) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Iterate over all the matches in the order that they were found.
findMatches(Node, SegmentAllocator, QueryCursor.Options) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Iterate over all the matches in the order that they were found, using the given allocator.
findNodes(String) - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryMatch
Find the nodes that are captured by the given capture name.


get() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser.CancellationFlag
Get the value of the flag.
get(Arena) - Method in interface io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.NativeLibraryLookup
Get the SymbolLookup to be used for the tree-sitter native library.
getAbiVersion() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get the ABI version number for this language.
getArgs() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicate
Get the arguments given to the predicate.
getCaptureCount() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Use getCaptureNames().size() instead.
getCaptureNames() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Get the names of the captures used in the query.
getChangedRanges(Tree) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Tree
Compare an old edited syntax tree to a new syntax tree representing the same document.
getChild(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the node's child at the given index, if any.
getChildByFieldId(short) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the node's first child with the given field ID, if any.
getChildByFieldName(String) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the node's first child with the given field name, if any.
getChildCount() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the number of this node's children.
getChildren() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get this node's children.
getChildrenByFieldId(short) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get a list of the node's children with the given field ID.
getChildrenByFieldName(String) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get a list of the node's child with the given field name.
getChildWithDescendant(Node) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the node that contains the given descendant, if any.
getCurrentByteOffset() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser.State
Get the current byte offset of the parser.
getCurrentByteOffset() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor.State
Get the current byte offset of the cursor.
getCurrentDepth() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Get the depth of the cursor's current node relative to the original node that the cursor was constructed with.
getCurrentDescendantIndex() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Get the index of the cursor's current node out of the descendants of the original node that the cursor was constructed with.
getCurrentFieldId() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Get the field ID of the tree cursor's current node, or 0.
getCurrentFieldName() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Get the field name of the tree cursor's current node, or null.
getCurrentNode() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Get the current node of the cursor.
getCurrentNode(SegmentAllocator) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Get the current node of the cursor using the given allocator.
getCurrentSymbol() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator
Get the current symbol ID.
getCurrentSymbolName() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator
The current symbol name.
getDescendant(int, int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the smallest node within this node that spans the given byte range, if any.
getDescendant(Point, Point) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the smallest node within this node that spans the given point range, if any.
getDescendantCount() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the number of this node's descendants, including the node itself.
getEndByte() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the end byte of the node.
getEndPoint() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the end point of the node.
getFieldCount() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get the number of distinct field names in this language
getFieldIdForName(String) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get the numerical ID for the given field name.
getFieldNameForChild(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the field name of this node’s child at the given index, if available.
getFieldNameForId(short) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get the field name for the given numerical id.
getFieldNameForNamedChild(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the field name of this node's named child at the given index, if available.
getFirstChildForByte(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the node's first child that contains or starts after the given byte offset.
getFirstNamedChildForByte(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the node's first named child that contains or starts after the given byte offset.
getGrammarSymbol() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the numerical ID of the node's type, as it appears in the grammar ignoring aliases.
getGrammarType() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the type of the node, as it appears in the grammar ignoring aliases.
getId() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the numerical ID of the node.
getIncludedRanges() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Get the ranges of text that the parser should include when parsing.
getIncludedRanges() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Tree
Get the included ranges of the syntax tree.
getLanguage() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator
Get the current language of the lookahead iterator.
getLanguage() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Get the language that the parser will use for parsing.
getLanguage() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Tree
Get the language that was used to parse the syntax tree.
getMatchLimit() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Get the maximum number of in-progress matches.
getMetadata() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get the metadata for this language, if available.
getName() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get the name of this language, if available.
getName() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicate
Get the name of the predicate.
getNamedChild(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the node's named child at the given index, if any.
getNamedChildCount() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the number of this node's named children.
getNamedChildren() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get this node's named children.
getNamedDescendant(int, int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the smallest named node within this node that spans the given byte range, if any.
getNamedDescendant(Point, Point) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the smallest named node within this node that spans the given point range, if any.
getNextNamedSibling() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
The node's next named sibling, if any.
getNextParseState() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the parse state after this node.
getNextSibling() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
The node's next sibling, if any.
getParent() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
The node's immediate parent, if any.
getParseState() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the parse state of this node.
getPatternAssertions(int, boolean) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Get the property assertions for the given pattern index.
getPatternCount() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Get the number of patterns in the query.
getPatternSettings(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Get the property settings for the given pattern index.
getPrevNamedSibling() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
The node's previous named sibling, if any.
getPrevSibling() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
The node's previous sibling, if any.
getRange() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the range of the node.
getRootNode() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Tree
Get the root node of the syntax tree.
getRootNodeWithOffset(int, Point) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Tree
Get the root node of the syntax tree, but with its position shifted forward by the given offset.
getStartByte() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the start byte of the node.
getStartPoint() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the start point of the node.
getStateCount() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get the number of valid states in this language
getStringValues() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Get the string literals used in the query.
getSubtypes(short) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get all symbols for a given supertype symbol.
getSupertypes() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get all supertype symbols for the language.
getSymbol() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the numerical ID of the node's type.
getSymbolCount() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get the number of distinct node types in this language.
getSymbolForName(String, boolean) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get the numerical ID for the given node type, or 0 if not found.
getSymbolName(short) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get the node type for the given numerical ID.
getText() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the source code of the node, if available.
getText() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Tree
Get the source code of the syntax tree, if available.
getTimeoutMicros() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Use Parser.Options instead.
getTimeoutMicros() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Use QueryCursor.Options instead.
getTree() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the tree that contains this node.
getType() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the type of the node.
getVersion() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
gotoDescendant(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Move the cursor to the node that is the nth descendant of the original node that the cursor was constructed with.
gotoFirstChild() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Move the cursor to the first child of its current node.
gotoFirstChildForByte(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Move the cursor to the first child of its current node that contains or starts after the given byte offset.
gotoFirstChildForPoint(Point) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Move the cursor to the first child of its current node that contains or starts after the given point.
gotoLastChild() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Move the cursor to the last child of its current node.
gotoNextSibling() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Move the cursor to the next sibling of its current node.
gotoParent() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Move the cursor to the parent of its current node.
gotoPreviousSibling() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Move the cursor to the previous sibling of its current node.


hasChanges() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Check if the node has been edited.
hasError() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Check if the node is an ERROR, or contains any ERROR nodes.
hasError() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser.State
Check if the parser has encountered an error.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEdit
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
hashCode() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LanguageMetadata
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LanguageMetadata.Version
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator.Symbol
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
hashCode() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Point
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCapture
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryMatch
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicateArg.Capture
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicateArg.Literal
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Range
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hasNext() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator
Check if the lookahead iterator has more symbols.


id() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator.Symbol
Returns the value of the id record component.
InputEdit - Record Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
An edit to a text document.
InputEdit(int, int, int, Point, Point, Point) - Constructor for record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEdit
Creates an instance of a InputEdit record class.
InputEncoding - Enum Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
The encoding of source code.
io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter - package io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
Java bindings to the tree-sitter parsing library.
isError() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Check if the node is an ERROR node.
isExtra() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Check if the node is extra.
isMissing() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Check if the node is MISSING.
isNamed() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Check if the node is named.
isNamed(short) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Check if the node for the given numerical ID is named.
isPatternGuaranteedAtStep(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Check if a pattern is guaranteed to match once a given byte offset is reached.
isPatternNonLocal(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Check if the pattern with the given index is "non-local".
isPatternRooted(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Check if the pattern with the given index has a single root node.
isSupertype(short) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Check if the node for the given numerical ID is a supertype.
isVisible(short) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Check if the node for the given numerical ID is visible.


java.library.path - Search tag in package io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
System Property
java.library.path - Search tag in package io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
System Property


Language - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A class that defines how to parse a particular language.
Language(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Creates a new instance from the given language pointer.
LANGUAGE_VERSION - Static variable in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
The latest ABI version that is supported by the current version of the library.
LanguageMetadata - Record Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
The metadata associated with a Language.
LanguageMetadata(LanguageMetadata.Version) - Constructor for record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LanguageMetadata
Creates an instance of a LanguageMetadata record class.
LanguageMetadata.Version - Record Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
LEX - Enum constant in enum class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Logger.Type
Lexer message.
Library Loading - Search tag in package io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
Literal(String) - Constructor for record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicateArg.Literal
Creates an instance of a Literal record class.
load(SymbolLookup, String) - Static method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Load a language by looking for its function in the given symbols.
Logger - Interface in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A function that logs parsing results.
Logger.Type - Enum Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
The type of a log message.
lookaheadIterator(short) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Create a new lookahead iterator for the given parse state.
LookaheadIterator - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A class that is used to look up valid symbols in a specific parse state.
LookaheadIterator.Symbol - Record Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A class that pairs a symbol ID with its name.


major() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LanguageMetadata.Version
Returns the value of the major record component.
MAX - Static variable in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Point
The maximum value a Point can have.
MIN - Static variable in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Point
The minimum value a Point can have.
MIN_COMPATIBLE_LANGUAGE_VERSION - Static variable in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
The earliest ABI version that is supported by the current version of the library.
minor() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LanguageMetadata.Version
Returns the value of the minor record component.
MISSING - Search tag in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator
MISSING - Search tag in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node.isMissing()


name() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator.Symbol
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCapture
Returns the value of the name record component.
names() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator
Iterate over the symbol names.
NativeLibraryLookup - Interface in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
An interface implemented by clients that wish to customize the SymbolLookup used for the tree-sitter native library.
newEndByte() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEdit
Returns the value of the newEndByte record component.
newEndPoint() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEdit
Returns the value of the newEndPoint record component.
next() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator
Advance the lookahead iterator to the next symbol.
nextState(short, short) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Get the next parse state.
node() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCapture
Returns the value of the node record component.
Node - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A single node within a syntax tree.


oldEndByte() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEdit
Returns the value of the oldEndByte record component.
oldEndPoint() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEdit
Returns the value of the oldEndPoint record component.
Options(BiPredicate<QueryPredicate, QueryMatch>) - Constructor for class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor.Options
Options(Predicate<Parser.State>) - Constructor for class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser.Options
Options(Predicate<QueryCursor.State>) - Constructor for class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor.Options


parse(ParseCallback, InputEncoding) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Parse source code from a callback and create a syntax tree.
parse(ParseCallback, InputEncoding, Tree, Parser.Options) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Parse source code from a callback and create a syntax tree.
parse(ParseCallback, InputEncoding, Parser.Options) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Parse source code from a callback and create a syntax tree.
parse(String) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Parse source code from a string and create a syntax tree.
parse(String, InputEncoding) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Parse source code from a string and create a syntax tree.
parse(String, InputEncoding, Tree) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Parse source code from a string and create a syntax tree.
parse(String, Tree) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Parse source code from a string and create a syntax tree.
PARSE - Enum constant in enum class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Logger.Type
Parser message.
ParseCallback - Interface in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A function that retrieves a chunk of text at a given byte offset and point.
Parser - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A class that is used to produce a syntax tree from source code.
Parser() - Constructor for class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Creates a new instance with a null language.
Parser(Language) - Constructor for class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Creates a new instance with the given language.
Parser.CancellationFlag - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
Use Parser.Options instead.
Parser.Options - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A class representing the parser options.
Parser.State - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A class representing the current state of the parser.
patch() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LanguageMetadata.Version
Returns the value of the patch record component.
patternIndex() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryMatch
Returns the value of the patternIndex record component.
Point - Record Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A position in a text document in terms of rows and columns.
Point(int, int) - Constructor for record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Point
Creates an instance of a Point record class.
Predicate Example - Search tag in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor.findMatches(Node, QueryCursor.Options)


query(String) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
Use the Query constructor instead.
Query - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A class that represents a set of patterns which match nodes in a syntax tree.
Query(Language, String) - Constructor for class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Create a new query from a string containing one or more S-expression patterns.
QueryCapture - Record Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A Node that was captured with a certain capture name.
QueryCapture(String, Node) - Constructor for record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCapture
Creates an instance of a QueryCapture record class.
QueryCursor - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A class that can be used to execute a query on a syntax tree.
QueryCursor(Query) - Constructor for class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Create a new cursor for the given query.
QueryCursor.Options - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A class representing the query cursor options.
QueryCursor.State - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A class representing the current state of the query cursor.
QueryError - Exception Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
Any error that occurred while instantiating a Query.
QueryError.Capture - Exception Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A capture name error.
QueryError.Field - Exception Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A field name error.
QueryError.NodeType - Exception Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A node type error.
QueryError.Predicate - Exception Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A query predicate error.
QueryError.Structure - Exception Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A pattern structure error.
QueryError.Syntax - Exception Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A query syntax error.
QueryMatch - Record Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A match that corresponds to a certain pattern in the query.
QueryMatch(int, List<QueryCapture>) - Constructor for record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryMatch
Creates an instance of a QueryMatch record class.
QueryPredicate - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A query predicate that associates conditions (or arbitrary metadata) with a pattern.
QueryPredicate.AnyOf - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
Handles the following predicates:
#any-of?, #not-any-of?
QueryPredicate.Eq - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
Handles the following predicates:
#eq?, #not-eq?, #any-eq?, #any-not-eq?
QueryPredicate.Match - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
Handles the following predicates:
#match?, #not-match?, #any-match?, #any-not-match?
QueryPredicateArg - Interface in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
An argument to a QueryPredicate.
QueryPredicateArg.Capture - Record Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A capture argument (@value).
QueryPredicateArg.Literal - Record Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A literal string argument ("value").


Range - Record Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A range of positions in a text document, both in terms of bytes and of row-column points.
Range(Point, Point, int, int) - Constructor for record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Range
Creates an instance of a Range record class.
Requirements - Search tag in package io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
reset() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Instruct the parser to start the next parse from the beginning.
reset(short) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator
Reset the lookahead iterator to the given state.
reset(short, Language) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator
Reset the lookahead iterator to the given state and another language.
reset(Node) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Reset the cursor to start at a different node.
reset(TreeCursor) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Reset the cursor to start at the same position as another cursor.
row() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Point
Returns the value of the row record component.


set(long) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser.CancellationFlag
Set the value of the flag.
setByteRange(int, int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Set the range of bytes in which the query will be executed.
setCancellationFlag(Parser.CancellationFlag) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Use Parser.Options instead.
setIncludedRanges(List<Range>) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Set the ranges of text that the parser should include when parsing.
setLanguage(Language) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Set the language that the parser will use for parsing.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Set the logger that the parser will use during parsing.
setMatchLimit(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Get the maximum number of in-progress matches.
setMaxStartDepth(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Set the maximum start depth for the query.
setPointRange(Point, Point) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Set the range of points in which the query will be executed.
setTimeoutMicros(long) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
Use Parser.Options instead.
setTimeoutMicros(long) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor
Use QueryCursor.Options instead.
startByte() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEdit
Returns the value of the startByte record component.
startByte() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Range
Returns the value of the startByte record component.
startByteForPattern(int) - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
Get the byte offset where the given pattern starts in the query's source.
startPoint() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEdit
Returns the value of the startPoint record component.
startPoint() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Range
Returns the value of the startPoint record component.
Symbol(short, String) - Constructor for record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator.Symbol
Creates an instance of a Symbol record class.
symbols() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator
Iterate over the symbol IDs.


toSexp() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Get the S-expression representing the node.
toString() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEdit
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Language
toString() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LanguageMetadata
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LanguageMetadata.Version
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LookaheadIterator.Symbol
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
toString() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser.State
toString() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Parser
toString() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Point
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Query
toString() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCapture
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryCursor.State
toString() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryMatch
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicate
toString() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicateArg.Capture
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicateArg.Literal
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Range
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Tree
toString() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.TreeCursor
Tree - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A class that represents a syntax tree.
TreeCursor - Class in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
A class that can be used to efficiently walk a syntax tree.


Unsigned - Annotation Interface in io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter
Specifies that the value is of an unsigned data type.
UTF_16BE - Enum constant in enum class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEncoding
UTF-16 big endian encoding.
UTF_16LE - Enum constant in enum class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEncoding
UTF-16 little endian encoding.
UTF_8 - Enum constant in enum class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEncoding
UTF-8 encoding.


value() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicateArg.Capture
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicateArg.Literal
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in interface io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.QueryPredicateArg
The value of the argument.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEncoding
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Logger.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(Charset) - Static method in enum class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEncoding
Convert a standard Charset to an InputEncoding.
values() - Static method in enum class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.InputEncoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Logger.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
version() - Method in record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LanguageMetadata
Returns the value of the version record component.
Version(short, short, short) - Constructor for record class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.LanguageMetadata.Version
Creates an instance of a Version record class.


walk() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Node
Create a new tree cursor starting from this node.
walk() - Method in class io.github.treesitter.jtreesitter.Tree
Create a new tree cursor starting from the root node of the tree.
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